Lorinda Bye

Portrait of STARS Very Important Patient Lorinda Bye

After a weekend camping trip with friends went wrong, my life changed drastically.

A tree fell on my tent during a violent windstorm and in one split second everything was different.

I became paralyzed.

Since, I have had to adapt to using a wheelchair. I have also come to appreciate each day as a gift.

Adapting to this new way of life has had its challenges but thanks to the support of family and friends I am moving forward.

I chose to take my life back. I excelled at therapy for my spinal cord injury. I learned to sit ski in the winter and kayak in the summer.

I chose to work part time and enroll in university. I volunteer in my community.

I travelled through Ireland, England and Sweden and every day I celebrate my life with friends and family.

Without the expertise of the STARS crew – and all the other medical professionals who have helped me along the way – I know I wouldn’t be here today.

Together, they fought so that I could live my life. In return I will continue to fight for my best life.

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