Legacy Giving
Leaving a financial legacy or planned gift is a way to create sustainable financial support for a charitable organization. It is a means of making a gift that maximizes the tax and estate planning benefits to the donor. It is also a reflective process that takes time, careful thought and above all, provides meaningful outcomes.
Legacy giving can usually be established without affecting current financial circumstances and often involves the use of financial or legal instruments such as wills, life insurance policies, endowments, and trusts. They may also include immediate gifts of cash, property, listed securities, and other types of assets.
STARS invites you to consider leaving a legacy gift – learn how to leave a bequest in your will.
For more information, please review contact the STARS Foundation at foundation@stars.ca.
Proper legal name & charity number
The proper legal name for making a gift is to the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service Foundation.
Our Registered Charity number is 81845 9521 RR0001